A Brief Announcement

Hello Everyone.

The Past two weeks have been crazy. I contracted COVID, went into Isolation, then my family caught COVID and we had to live in the bubble. I had to move a flight up, then had a nasty fall, with a minor injury, and had to move the flight forward again. I also got a major opportunity from a really unexpected source.

It's only February.

To say it has been hectic would be an understatement. Which is why I'll delay this weeks newsletter by two days. If this is the first time you are seeing an email from me since subscription, it is probably ending up in your Promotions or Others tab. Please check and move past emails to Primary/Focused.

If you are reading this on the web, you can check out the archive here. You can also subscribe here. I would also appreciate if you checked out my cross-promotion partners.

Thank you

Mudassir Chapra

A struggling entrepreneur.

Read more from Mudassir Chapra
A picture of flood affectees, with the title of the post.

Pakistan is going through historic floods. Over 1500 people have been reported dead, and 33 million people affected by loss of housing, crops and livestock. For context, if it was a country, it would be the 44th most populous country. This is a thread of organization collecting donations. Helping Hand(Charity Navigator Score: 98) - Pakistan Flood Relief The Citizens Foundation(Charity Navigator Score: 94) - www.tcfusa.orgZakat Foundation of America(CN Score: 93)Human Development Foundation(CN...

Hello Subscribers, New & Old I would not be able to send out an update this week. I'll be traveling this week, so pushing out an update would be You can satiate your need for weekly wisdom by visiting the archive: Take me to the Archive If you are on Gmail and seeing it for the first time in your inbox, check you Promotions tab. And if you can, please move it to the Primary category. I will post twice next week; Tuesday and Thursday. Meanwhile I have a request. If you have liked a newsletter...

Hello Everyone Welcome to Weekly Wisdom, your weekly dose of highlights, quotes and notes from my notebook. If you would like to receive this in your inbox, subscribe now. I am working on multiple projects this week, including a translation and a mobile app. So no new blog post. I do have one from the archive that I think you would like. Humanity Lives For Trash: It is shocking how much of human effort goes in to managing trash and it still in unmanageable. We have trash heaps floating in...